Results for 'Kolotioloma Nicolas Yéo'

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    De la morale dans la sophistique.Kolotioloma Nicolas Yéo - 2020 - Abidjan: Neto.
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    Entretiens Sur La Metaphysique, Sur La Religion Et Sur La Mort.Nicolas Malebranche & Michel David - 2023 - Legare Street Press.
    Dans ce livre, Malebranche expose sa philosophie à travers des entretiens avec un philosophe, un janséniste et un mandarin chinois. Il explore les différentes dimensions de la métaphysique, de la religion et de la mort et cherche à répondre aux questions fondamentales de l'existence. Tout étudiant en philosophie trouvera ce livre intéressant et instructif. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is (...)
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  3. Attention, information and epistemic perception.Nicolas Bullot - 2013
    (in press, under contract with MIT Press, accepted on June 30th, 2006). Attention, Information and Epistemic Perception. In Terzis, G. & Arp, R. (Eds) Information and the Living Systems: Essays in the Philosophy of Biology. The MIT Press. (14,000 words).
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    The Shell and the Kernel.Nicolas Abraham & Nicholas Rand - 1979 - Diacritics 9 (1):15.
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    Categorical perception of anger is disrupted in alexithymia: Evidence from a visual ERP study.Nicolas Vermeulen, Olivier Luminet, Mariana Cordovil de Sousa & Salvatore Campanella - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (6):1052-1067.
    High and low alexithymia scorers were confronted with a modified visual oddball task that allowed the study of categorical perception of emotional expressions on faces. Participants had to quickly detect a deviant (rare) morphed face that shared or did not share the same emotional expression as the frequent one. Expected categorical perception effects, which were also neurophysiologically indexed, showed that rare stimuli were detected faster if they depicted a different emotional expression compared to rare stimuli depicting the same emotional expression (...)
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    Linking Corporate Policy and Supervisory Support with Environmental Citizenship Behaviors: The Role of Employee Environmental Beliefs and Commitment.Nicolas Raineri & Pascal Paillé - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (1):129-148.
    This study investigates the social–psychological mechanisms leading individuals in organizations to engage in environmental citizenship behaviors, which entail keeping abreast of, and participating in, the environmental affairs of a company. Informed by the corporate greening and organizational behavior literature, we suggested that an employee’s level of involvement in the management of a company’s environmental impact was the overt manifestation of his or her discretionary sense of commitment to environmental concerns in the work context, and that such commitment developed through the (...)
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  7. (2 other versions)Dialogues on Metaphysics and Religion.Nicolas Malebranche - 1688 - Cambridge Univ Press. Translated By: N. Jolley and D. Scott.
    Copyright ©2005–2010 All rights reserved. Jonathan Bennett [Brackets] enclose editorial explanations. Small ·dots· enclose material that has been added, but can be read as though it were part of the original text. Occasional •bullets, and also indenting of passages that are not quotations, are meant as aids to grasping the structure of a sentence or a thought. Every four-point ellipsis . . . . indicates the omission of a brief passage that seems to present more difficulty than it is worth. (...)
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    La sécurité et les droits de l'homme.Nicolas Israël - 2002 - Multitudes 2 (2):157-164.
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    Perceived Work Conditions and Turnover Intentions: The Mediating Role of Meaning of Work.Caroline Arnoux-Nicolas, Laurent Sovet, Lin Lhotellier, Annamaria Di Fabio & Jean-Luc Bernaud - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  10. Bell Inequalities: Many Questions, a Few Answers.Nicolas Gisin - 2009 - In Wayne C. Myrvold & Joy Christian (eds.), Quantum Reality, Relativistic Causality, and Closing the Epistemic Circle. Springer. pp. 125--138.
    What can be more fascinating than experimental metaphysics, to quote one of Abner Shimony’s enlightening expressions? Bell inequalities are at the heart of the study of nonlocality. I present a list of open questions, organised in three categories: fundamental; linked to experiments; and exploring nonlocality as a resource. New families of inequalities for binary outcomes are presented.
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    Nuevas Tecnologías Digitales En Acción: “Estar Conectado” En la Experiencia de Jóvenes de Sectores Populares En El Marco Del Programa Conectar Igualdad En El Gran la Plata.Nicolás Welschinger - 2015 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 14:435-460.
    Este artículo explora los usos de las nuevas tecnologías digitales que realizan jóvenes de sectores populares beneficiarios del Programa estatal de alfabetización digital Conectar Igualdad (PCI) en una escuela del Gran La Plata. Sobre la base de primeras interpretaciones de una investigación en desarrollo, se intenta comprender la productividad de ciertos cursos de acción a los que la incorporación masiva de las netbooks a partir del escenario escolar habilita. En particular se enfoca en la posibilidad que ahora disponen los jóvenes (...)
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    L'herméneutique fictionnalisée: quand l'interprétation s'invite dans la fiction.Nicolas Correard, Vincent Ferré & Anne Teulade (eds.) - 2014 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Ce volume collectif montre que l'herméneutique fictionnalisée permet de réfléchir sur les procédures de l'interprétation, de penser les limites de la fiction et de prendre en charge des discours que les disciplines savantes ne sont pas toujours en situation de produire.
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    El problema de la agencia material. Un desafío para el pensamiento posthumanista contemporáneo.Nicolás Fagioli - 2022 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 85:177-188.
    El presente trabajo se propone reflexionar en torno al vínculo entre la noción de agencia material y el pensamiento posthumanista contemporáneo. Mas específicamente nos proponemos cuestionar la necesidad de que una postura filosófica no antropocéntrica deba contener necesariamente una concepción simétrica de agencia. Para esto, en primer lugar, se analizarán los desarrollos de Lambros Malafouris en torno a dicha problemática, con el fin de caracterizar una concepción simétrica de la capacidad agentiva. En contraposición a esto, en segundo término, se explicitará (...)
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  14. Le coût de l'argument de l'indispensabilité des mathématiques.Nicolas Pain - 2011 - RÉPHA, revue étudiante de philosophie analytique 3:29-37.
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  15. Weakness of Will and the Measurement of Freedom.Nicolas Côté - 2020 - Ethics 130 (3):384-414.
    This article argues for a novel approach to the measurement of freedom of choice, on which the availability of an option is a matter of degree, rather than a bivalent matter of being either available or not. This approach is motivated by case studies involving weakness of will, where deficiencies in willpower seem to impair individual freedom by making certain alternatives much harder to pursue. This approach is perfectly general, however: its graded analysis of option availability can be extended to (...)
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  16. The Search after Truth and Elucidations of the Search after Truth.Nicolas Malebranche, Thomas M. Lennon & Paul J. Olscamp - 1982 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 33 (2):223-226.
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    Quiasmo, carne y naturaleza. Merleau-Ponty y el problema de la medialidad.Nicolás Fagioli - 2021 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 33 (1):73-94.
    La noción de carne, perteneciente a la última etapa del pensamiento de Merleau-Ponty, ocupa un lugar determinante en las investigaciones especializadas sobre el autor. Sin embargo, en escasas publicaciones se destaca la inmensa influencia de esta última en el pensamiento actual, especialmente en las corrientes posthumanistas y materialistas de la contemporaneidad filosófica. Nos proponemos, en las páginas que siguen, analizar dicha categoría desde el punto de vista de una filosofía de la relación, interpretándola desde la figura de la medialidad o (...)
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    Gnoseología del perspectivismo corporal en Leibniz.Juan Antonio Nicolás - 2013 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 40:135-150.
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    Tropología, agencia y lenguajes históricoas en la filosofía de la historia de Hayden White.Nicolás Lavagnino - 2010 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 55:189-190.
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    Multiplicity in Scientific Medicine: The Experience of HIV-Positive Patients.Nicolas Dodier & Janine Barbot - 2002 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 27 (3):404-440.
    This article examines HIV-positive patients’ experiences of treatments within a context characterized by the multiplicity of opinions expressed both by specialists and the public domain. It is based upon a survey of 63 patients encountered in a Paris hospital. The authors demonstrate the contrasts between these patients in terms of two main dimensions: the degree of the patients’ proximity to specialist knowledge, and the level of homogeneousness that the patients attribute to medical know-how. At the point where these two dimensions (...)
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    Oeuvres complètes.Nicolas Malebranche - 1837 - Vrin.
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  22. The Logic of Contradiction.Nicolas D. Goodman - 1981 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 27 (8-10):119-126.
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    Measuring republican freedom.Nicolas Côté - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6).
    Republican and so-called independence conceptions of freedom stand out from other conceptions by embedding strong modal conditions on what it takes for a person to count as being free to do something. For this reason, the extent of one’s freedom, conceived under republican/independentist lights, cannot be measured by any of the measures of freedom that have been developed so far in the literature on freedom, since these do not register the requisite modal constraints. In this paper I propose a measure (...)
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  24. El interés público: entre la ideología y el derecho.Nicolás María López Calera - 2010 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 44:123-148.
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  25. Filosofía del derecho: crítica y utopía.Nicolás María López Calera - 1975 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 15:139-149.
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  26. Material Dialogues.Nicolas Clerbout, Ansten Klev, Zoe McConaughey & Shahid Rahman - 2018 - In Nicolas Clerbout, Ansten Klev, Zoe McConaughey & Shahid Rahman (eds.), Immanent Reasoning or Equality in Action: A Plaidoyer for the Play Level. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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  27. De Una explicación dinamicista en las ciencias cognitivas?Nicolás Venturelli - 2012 - Ludus Vitalis 20 (37):151-174.
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    (1 other version)Du capital à la propriété : histoire et justice dans le travail de Thomas Piketty.Nicolas Brisset & Benoît Walraevens - 2021 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 21 (2):145-185.
    Le présent article revient sur le dernier ouvrage de Thomas Piketty, Capital et idéologie (2019). Nous commençons par inscrire l’ouvrage dans l’argument développé par l’auteur dans ses précédents ouvrages, avant d’en souligner un certain nombre de limites. Nous questionnons d’abord la manière dont Piketty pense le capitalisme, avant d’en venir à sa théorie de l’idéologie. Enfin, nous tenterons de définir les contours et limites du projet de dépassement du capitalisme de Piketty, c’est-à-dire sa vision d’une société juste, d’un « socialisme (...)
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  29. Iconicity.Nicolas Fay, Mark Ellison & Simon Garrod - 2014 - Pragmatics and Cognition 22 (2):244-263.
    This paper explores the role of iconicity in spoken language and other human communication systems. First, we concentrate on graphical and gestural communication and show how semantically motivated iconic signs play an important role in creating such communication systems from scratch. We then consider how iconic signs tend to become simplified and symbolic as the communication system matures and argue that this process is driven by repeated interactive use of the signs. We then consider evidence for iconicity at the level (...)
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    La valeur philosophique de la relation de raison.Nicolas Balthasar - 1923 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 25 (97):95-105.
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    Enquête sur L’Atelier D’Un Compositeur de Musique Contemporaine.Nicolas Donin - 2008 - Revue de Synthèse 129 (3):401-420.
    Comment identifier le« médium technique» d'un compositeur contemporain? Pour esquisser une réponse, nous nous appuyons sur une étude réalisée en collaboration avec Jacques Theureau, portant sur l'activité de composition de Philippe Leroux. En reconstituant la genèse de son œuvre Voi(rex), nous avons observé une constante interpénétration de plusieurs âges techniques et technologiques, dont une partie peut être rattachée directement aux préoccupations wébériennes. Passer par une analyse de détail des opérations compositionnelles et de leurs milieux techniques permet de saisir la dynamique (...)
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    Pierre Boulez (1925–2016).François Nicolas - 2016 - Revue de Synthèse 137 (1):151-152.
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  33. The small improvement argument.Nicolas Espinoza - 2008 - Synthese 165 (1):127 - 139.
    It is commonly assumed that moral deliberation requires that the alternatives available in a choice situation are evaluatively comparable. This comparability assumption is threatened by claims of incomparability, which is often established by means of the small improvement argument (SIA). In this paper I argue that SIA does not establish incomparability in a stricter sense. The reason is that it fails to distinguish incomparability from a kind of evaluative indeterminacy which may arise due to the vagueness of the evaluative comparatives (...)
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    Immanent Reasoning or Equality in Action: A Plaidoyer for the Play Level.Nicolas Clerbout, Ansten Klev, Zoe McConaughey & Shahid Rahman - 2018 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    This monograph proposes a new way of implementing interaction in logic. It also provides an elementary introduction to Constructive Type Theory. The authors equally emphasize basic ideas and finer technical details. In addition, many worked out exercises and examples will help readers to better understand the concepts under discussion. One of the chief ideas animating this study is that the dialogical understanding of definitional equality and its execution provide both a simple and a direct way of implementing the CTT approach (...)
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    Functional cerebral reorganization: a signature of expertise? Reexamining Guida, Gobet, Tardieu, and Nicolas' (2012) two-stage framework.Alessandro Guida, Fernand Gobet & Serge Nicolas - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    The impact of automatic evaluation on mood: an awareness-dependent effect.Nicolas Pillaud & François Ric - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (7):1457-1472.
    How do affective feelings arise? Most theories consider that affective feelings result from the appraisals of an event, these appraisals being the consequences of automatic evaluations processes th...
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    Le concept de « marchandise fictive », pierre angulaire de l'institutionnalisme de Karl Polanyi?Nicolas Postel & Richard Sobel - 2010 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 2 (2):3-35.
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    Psychophysiological evidence for the genuineness of swimming-style colour synaesthesia.Nicolas Rothen, Danko Nikolić, Uta Maria Jürgens, Aleksandra Mroczko-Wąsowicz, Josephine Cock & Beat Meier - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (1):35-46.
    Recently, swimming-style colour synaesthesia was introduced as a new form of synaesthesia. A synaesthetic Stroop test was used to establish its genuineness. Since Stroop interference can occur for any type of overlearned association, in the present study we used a modified Stroop test and psychophysiological synaesthetic conditioning to further establish the genuineness of this form of synaesthesia. We compared the performance of a swimming-style colour synaesthete and a control who was trained on swimming-style colour associations. Our results showed that behavioural (...)
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  39. Le sens de l'histoire, collection « Philosophie de l'esprit ».Nicolas Berdiaeff & S. Jankélévitch - 1950 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 55 (1):108-109.
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    Towards an ontology of virtual environments: A critical account.Nicolas Bilchi - 2023 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 16 (1):27-36.
    The growing critical and economic success of Virtual Reality technologies is generating renewed scholarly interest in virtual environments. One of the most long-lasting and influential perspectives on the topic has been labelled «virtual realism» (Heim [1998]), and it has passed throughout the entire history of virtual environments studies up to recent days (Chalmers [2022]). Virtual Realism frames virtual environments in terms of realism, and precisely of perceptive soundness and isomorphism between physical environments and virtual ones, producing a convincing illusion of (...)
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    Le bonheur d’enseigner est-il enseignable? Réflexions et propositions issues de la formation à l’enseignement en Suisse Romande.Nicolas Bressoud - 2023 - Revue Phronesis 12 (2-3):114-129.
    Teacher training has the opportunity and availability to raise awarness on the happiness of teaching. The stakes are high: inclusive education contexts require teachers to fully support their pupils’ heterogeneity. The positive psychology PERMA model (Seligman, 2011) seems to be an interesting evidence-based guide to build teacher training in happiness teaching. The PERMA model (Positive emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Achievement) provides an identification of the different factors needed for this happiness teaching training. It also highlights the importance of the teacher-pupil (...)
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  42. (1 other version)Hegel (1770-1970): totalidad, historia y libertad.Nicolás María López Calera - 1969 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 9:3-7.
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    The question of history in Jan Patočka's Heretical Warren Nicolas - 2023 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 10 (2):149-180.
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    Deleuze, Beckett y el teatro del agotamiento.Nicolás Perrone - 2023 - Boletín de Estética 63:139-168.
    El presente artículo aborda uno de los textos menos trabajados de Gilles Deleuze, L’Épuisé, donde el filósofo analiza cuatro piezas teatrales-televisivas de Samuel Beckett y despliega la problemática del agotamiento de la palabra en la obra del dramaturgo irlandés. Este agotamiento es pensado por Deleuze en relación con cuatro elementos: las cosas, la voz, el espacio y la imagen. Desde nuestro punto de vista, entendemos que este trabajo evidencia la última figura con que el filósofo piensa el teatro y su (...)
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    Panegyric for the Revolution.Nicolas Veroli - 2001 - CLR James Journal 8 (2):99-120.
  46. (1 other version)Réflexions Sur la Premotion Physique.Nicolas Malebranche - 1715 - M. David.
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  47. Powers of Imagining, Ignatius de Loyola, a Philosophical Hermeneutic of Imagining through the Collected Works of Ignatius de Loyola.Antonio T. de Nicolas - 1987 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 22 (1):109-111.
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  48. De la Recherche de la Vérité.Nicolas Malebranche & Georges Lyon - 1880 - Ch. Delagrave.
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    Switching Between Sensory and Affective Systems Incurs Processing Costs.Nicolas Vermeulen, Paula M. Niedenthal & Olivier Luminet - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (1):183-192.
    Recent models of the conceptual system hold that concepts are grounded in simulations of actual experiences with instances of those concepts in sensory-motor systems (e.g., Barsalou, 1999, 2003; Solomon & Barsalou, 2001). Studies supportive of such a viewhave shown that verifying a property of a concept in one modality, and then switching to verify a property of a different concept in a different modality generates temporal processing costs similar to the cost of switching modalities in perception. In addition to non-emotional (...)
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    Margaret Gilbert, Rights and Demands: A Foundational Inquiry.Nicolas Cornell - 2019 - Ethics 130 (1):107-113.
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